(gossip girl)
I bet you’re wondering what gossip girl is doing up so early.
Truth is, I never went to bed.
ー>I bet~:きっと~だわ

Why waste the precious time dreaming when waking time is so much better.
ー>ここ、訳がちょっと難しい。when はdreamingにかかってるのかしら?

Is there anything better than a lazy sunday?
Reading newspaper in bed, sipping coffee,scrambling an egg or two.
Yeah, right.
We upper east siders don’t do lazy.
Breakfast is brunch,and it comes with champagne.
A dress code and a hundred of our closest friends….and enemies.
Chuck’s Dad, Bart Bass, is hosting the annual brunch for his fundation, everyone is invited.
Well, Not everyone.

Oh, hey, you’re up.
And you’re check up on me.
―>check up on :調べる
memo:この近辺で「do up」「be up」で起きるっていう使われ方頻出

I’m O.K. really, I’m O.K.
You know, I was O.K. when you asked me at the party and in the cab, when we got home,before and after I brushed my teeth.

Look, I just feel really stupid.
I mean, how could I have actually thought that Chuck Bass just wanted to talk to me?
  how could I have thoughtが「思っていたなんて」という風にとらえきれないんだな。。。

Because you trust people, which is normally a good thing.
Yeah, except when it involves Chuck.
―>回りくどい言い方だなぁ、、except Chuckじゃだめなのかしら?(^^;

Yeah, pretty much.

So the real question is , uh, how are you?
Why wouldn’t I be O.K.?
You know, at the end of the night, with Serina and the– the–the…
Was it really that bad?
ー>that bad:そんなにまずかった?の「そんなに」このthatは大西先生の講義でもでてきた。

This is me.
So… good night.
Yeah, um, yeah, good night.
Walk her to the door.
Oh! Oh, God.
That hurt a lot.
Whoa, Whoa, stop, stop.
Sir, stop, stop, stop.
Oh, I think I have brain damage.

You know what, Dan?
If you had brain damage,
You wouldn’t even know if you had brain damage.

No, let’s go, please.Uh, Wi — Williamsburg.

So, he waved?
I wouldn’t have taken him for a waver.
―>take O for ~でOを~と思う

No, he was just trying to be funny.

Maybe, he’s shy.
Or he hates me.
No guy in the history of the world has ever hated you.

She probably thinks I hate her now.
I’ve waited my entire adolescent life for a date with this girl,you know, Serena Van der Woodsen…

And I decide to close the evening with a wave.
It was a nice wave.
At the end of a date?
Come on, there’s no such thing.